A true Yarn for you to read, and believe or not - about Ritual Abuse, Deception and Vulnerability in a Town just about Anywhere. We name it Hicktown.

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Showing posts with label beliefs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beliefs. Show all posts

Fruitloop Therapy

From here on I refer to Kelly's therapist as Trixie for convenience - it suits her. A list of basic concerns about her manner of work appears on the previous page. Kelly had been seeing her for some years, and she now made less sense to me than she had in worse circumstances. I once asked Nolly the 'interpretor/protector' whether Trixie used hypnosis in the sessions because Kelly was so vague and inconsistent.

'You don't understand DID' she replied. 'Of course Kelly is slipping in and out, that's what happens. You don't need to hypnotise someone for that.' No but it helps with other agendas. Although Trixie spun a yarn about Kelly's parts needing to work together, that was the last thing on the agenda, hence the firewalls. More on this appears at Fruitloop Therapy.

As Kelly poured out ideas for her writing interspersed with other bits and pieces, Commas wrote 'Kelly is nuts, can't you see now?' Commas was hijacking some replies I sent for Kelly, and I discovered she also knew a range of tricks from Trixie. 'Kelly is not nuts' I replied. 'I've known her a long time and she may come back. I don't like to discuss her behind her back, so to speak.'

'Trixie tells me to stop making connections between things' wrote Kelly. 'My friend committed suicide this week, and another tried to. I've known them for years. They both knew Marta. Trixie says I shouldn't connect things like that up. I told Trixie about a woman who is just everywhere I go, and Trixie says . . . '

I sympathised over her friend, thought a while, and sent a reply:

I don't like the things Trixie says to you. That is my problem. Unfortunately you cannot presently see why.

When you feel more up to it, we can discuss it if you want to. I am not going to keep beating my head up against a brick wall trying to make you see. 'Trixie says . . .' is wearing thin with me.

Last night you said she had won because she had isolated you.

You do have some choices, and taking pills won't hack it.'

Well, we are all human, and that is what I was trying to convey to Kelly, who was repeatedly told that normal things were wrong, or they were a sign of some 'illness' that she had to 'get better from'. The wonder was that she was able to function at all.

Does it seem strange to you that three women originally from the same cult area, who knew each other and also Marta, would be strongly suicidal in the very same week? Kelly continued 'I always look at cars and their number plates, so if someone hurts me I can recognise their car later. Trixie says I should not do that. I notice her car too and she gets mad at me.'

Another alter in Kelly's system asked me why Kelly kept running to Trixie when anything happened. 'She knows Trixie hurts us' they said. I replied that it must be difficult for them to say much about this, and there was agreement, but also confirmation over a couple of other things that were puzzling. Many times I thought I could see a link or a likelihood over things, only to find the reality was nothing comparable.

Because of the quantity of emails that night I asked Kelly to slow down. She was growing a bit trance-like, and now I inadvertently used a trigger word. It tipped her over into being hypnotised, something that happened before and she had come out naturally. Normally she knew I would go ten times round the block for her to make up her own mind.

'Now you should say to her . . . . . ' wrote Commas 'And she will come out of it.'

If I could avoid it, I would not use a cult phrase that I did not know the implications of. Commas continued 'You can tell her to go to sleep now, so you can get to bed.' Commas already made attempts to get me to leave that night, as other 'protectors' had tried before. I told her someone must think I was getting too close to something for comfort.

'I'm on your side' she said. I tried a couple more times to get Kelly's attention, wrote that my computer had jammed and I'd be in touch next day. 'That's great, thank you' said Commas. 'Now Trixie can't do anything with Kelly tonight unless she realises she is hypnotised.' Tonight was meant to be a family night, although her family had unexpectedly (to Kelly) not arrived back.

The following week there was nothing from Kelly, but Commas wrote that Kelly was a danger to them all, and I should keep her away from therapy and even from being present in the system. Acting on a sense of unease, I said it was Kelly I knew and I would discuss things with her. 'But you saw all that stuff she wrote that night, she's crazy' said Commas.

'I understood it, so what does that make me? You know the things that happen to Kelly, and you know about the rubbish Trixie feeds her. Commas started to write oddly with gaps in the middle of words. She was upset, not used to being around or getting challenged. What I am now saying is no disrespect for alters that some people have, but Commas seemed more like 'other people's alters' and nothing to do with Kelly. Perhaps she was placed there for some reason rather than developing naturally.

Kelly said she was now isolated from everyone she knew. I wondered if the name of this game was to keep her from contact with me. There had been times when she was forced to say goodbye, and when I refused to say it back, somehow the thread was not broken. 'They' could not go on and do what was planned for her, though that was a mystery to me.

While Kelly was hypnotised or generally out-of-it, others in the system could look after her family. Goodness knows what else they got up to. I was well aware that, despite my respect for Kelly and her integrity, other parts could be capable of anything. A recent exchange with the robot made me wonder. Could be, he was just bragging about having control over Trixie. Could be he had something she needed, or that she did not want to become public knowledge. Commas was emailing me personal stuff about Trixie. Why, and how did she know?

I thought Kelly was becoming a nightmare client for Trixie who might consider pulling out, or ensure that Kelly was unable to cause trouble. When Marta had wanted to break with Kelly someone higher up the chain seemed to tweak on powerful reins, roping them both back in. Kelly now insisted that people were afraid of her including Trixie. I knew Marta had been. What was this? Kelly and another alter noticed that Trixie sometimes seemed phased by Daisy, who could certainly could get stroppy but ...

'Why does Trixie want you broken into little pieces?' I now asked Kelly. 'Marta does' she replied. At times it seemed as if Marta had some notion of actually taking Kelly over, her sensitivity and intuition, her attributes or personal magnetism, whatever it was that drew people.

'You want to know what I think? Probably not, but here it is' I began. 'I think Marta thinks she can take over whatever gifts you have. What good will that do for humanity?'

'None at all' she replied with a glimmer of her former self.

'It's you making me ill not Trixie' came an unexpected email from Kelly. There had been a false sense of calm since she announced there was no therapy because she and Daisy yelled at Trixie. During an unscheduled appointment Trixie learned of my involvement, said I was a fake and that Kelly must stop contacting people. My Inbox filled with emails Kelly was sending to someone who claimed to have solutions for her problems. Kelly was showing a spark of independence, writing her own narrative story for this person to read.

Next day she was shaky, wanting me to get pictures for 'the Book' as she wanted them. I wondered if Trixie was planning Kelly's demise, as it was referred to. On the surface Trixie changed tack overnight, now blaming others for Kelly's problems, her 'illness'. She said Kelly must move far away straight away. I commented that it would need planning and discussing with her close friend and her ex-husband. 'I know' she said. 'I didn't think it could be that easy.' I wondered if moving far away was a euphemism for Kelly's demise or suicide, phrased such that she would know what she was to do, and Trixie could deny any involvement.

'Yes you' came an email from an unknown alter, indicating I was indeed the cause of the problems. I wanted to reply that Trixie should go to jail but settled for 'Oh'. This was all disappointing and I hoped Trixie's control had slipped a notch. Nolly wrote that Daisy had been for an appointment that Kelly didn't know about. 'Do you think Trixie was angling for information from Daisy, or giving her instructions?' I asked. The reply came 'Instructions'.

Was Trixie following her own instructions properly, or batting about in the wind while breaking every boundary and guideline?

Please do not assume that, because you do not do the things outlined here,

or you have not come across them, absolutely no-one else does them

Undermining the Underminers

Family crises in Kelly's life intervened, and there were more days for undermining the Underminers, whoever, wherever, whyever.

No-one has to believe any of this. Not all of these things happen to people involved in ‘satanic’ or other cult ritual activity, and certainly not to many people in therapy. If some of the words, phrases or concepts, or sheer incredibility latch onto your curiosity or onto something meaningful, that is what ‘the Book’ is meant for:

* To de-mystify the otherwise unbelievable

* To show these things can happen

* That they are basically an extension of other aspects of human behaviour, however inhuman, crass, ridiculous, stupid, unnecessary, it may all seem

* It could happen to people close to us

*If we don't listen, we won't hear

Principles which can be used to control others can also be used to undo control

Anyone for Chess?

There was such a performance and so much time being spent in controlling women like Kelly almost daily. Perhaps it was something along the lines of Snakes & Ladders with fixed dice, but so very desperate, life-threatening even. There seemed no fun in it! And if you kill off too many vulnerable oponents, who will you torment? The robot jeered saying I was a bored wannabe at my computer, hanging on by a thread. I would have loved to put this to one side. I knew Kelly and others could not until other people realised how these things occur. Forewarned is forearmed, as the saying goes.

The Carousel was meaningful, each steed on a pole, forced round and round to someone's tune, unable to get off unless something happens. Or someone stops the ride to spoil all the fun: Of those who set it up. OK, I'm a spoiler wannabe.

I don't think people higher up could stop the ride and get off either. Clearly strategic planning went on somewhere, not connected with the frenzy of cult meetings. And someone went round collecting people to attend, generally as it grew dark so time varied, ticking names off a list to ensure that those who defaulted got extra 'therapy', or they paid for their independence some other way.

Fiction? I wish. Probably so did they from both sides of the fence:

Those 'with rank' who were Somebodies, and those 'without rank' who were Nobodies

For certain reasons the so-called Nobodies were much in demand

Perhaps they were needed to facilitate demons or forces of some kind

So they could give information or instructions to the cult higher-ups

Or to give them a sense of power

Somehow forces were playing through Kelly and her alters. Trixie and her kind were doing their very best or worst. I was doing mine. Perhaps it was somehow meant to be, I do not know. It seemed like a game of Chess with the opposing side tearing up the rule book, then chucking out the board.

A Different Path?

I tried to get glimpses of the thinking behind cult ritual abuse and ‘satanism’ as well as other cult-like groups, where these seem to impinge/take over the life of those involved. Choosing a so-called left-hand-path of development as a selfish path is one thing. Causing pain to others, emotional suffering and confusion, ruination, even death, is altogether something else. I looked at sadism and narcissism, Voodoo and anything else, and joined email groups of people proudly calling themselves satanists and joking about their attitudes and practices.

I like to satisfy myself that someone really does have a choice in their decisions and actions. Because, if someone else is calling the shots through bullying, intimidation, violence, seduction, involvement in drug-taking, then something needs doing about it. That is what our basic legal system and human rights are about, the right to freewill and action, at least in theory. We can surely get closer to what is fair, than the situation surrounding Kelly.

People who have trouble controlling themselves and their lives, may seek to control others. If they don’t believe in reincarnation, spirits of ancestors, or the concept of karma, they may be out for anything they can get in this lifetime, robbing people of their worldly goods, or syphoning off their physical time and energies. I hope nothing like this happens to you, but if it does there are books on protecting yourself psychically, in the same way as you put locks on your doors and windows to protect your house. Just because you don’t believe these things happen, that no-one would do them or it wouldn’t work, doesn’t mean that other people don’t do it, putting their very souls into it.

Most of us are similar in that once we were children, not as strong as adults around us, and not aware of options for later life. Perhaps this is one reason why children gang together, or as adults we join things or get drawn in, either with friends or by seeking out people to be with in a pairing relationship or group. There is safety in numbers, no longer small, alone, not listened to, unable to fight back.

Suppose now, a society or subculture which makes it their business in some way to control their children, children of others, weaker members, and thereby gain continuity of their beliefs and practices. There’s nothing unusual about this when it happens naturally via family practices, culture and belief systems, or on a wider scale in a region or country. George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, B.F. Skinner have written about utopias and control of society in a wide sense. Suppose you really think the end of the world is coming, except that certain people only will survive, and you want to ensure your survival over others. Or you think you are stuck with this world and will do your damnedest to maintain position, economically, socially, or in terms of control. Might you opt for a system of social and mental control, creating an underclass of vulnerable people who would be expendable or transferable like a commodity?

Possibilities are endless. You only have to witness stage hypnotism with genuine post-hypnotic suggestion being acted upon by subjects, to see what is possible, not with years of conditioning but just a little, acting on the subconscious of those who are susceptible. Increase the length of time and the indoctrination process, and more of us become susceptible quite easily.

All these things and more, make me suspicious of those detractors who deny that there ever can be any kind of ‘satanic’ or cult ritual abuse. We all like to think we are discerning and can winkle the possible from the impossible, the likely from the unlikely, the appropriate from the inappropriate. I believe use of ‘satanic’ or ‘satanism’ to be a bit of a red herring. There are plenty of satanists who are not involved in cult ritual abuse. Quite why they feel bound to insist that, because they don’t do it, no-one else does, I have no idea. Maybe it’s their idea of an in-joke. I would respect them and their beliefs more if they looked into it properly.

Other writers whom I admire for their critical thinking sometimes dismiss this whole subject in a brief paragraph in an otherwise excellent book. That is on their conscience not mine, but it seems a pity they even mentioned the subject. We can look further than the ends of our noses.

Someone I met by chance took the trouble to explain how she saw choosing a path of evil. She felt it was a spiritual path or choice. If one wishes to change that path or reverse a choice, the spiritual aspect needs taking into consideration, as well as the practices engaged in.

You may choose to read it or not, to believe any of it or not. Many small parts make up a picture. The picture is different for us all. I have been the scribe here because I believe it is important to convey some things I became aware of. I don’t believe I got all of them wrong.

Weird Wednesday

The next day was like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Some alters were writing in each others' style, telling me I was replying to the wrong person, yet not saying how to make contact with themselves. I was being fed snippets of information so I asked questions. 'Dah' came the reply from whoever. 'It's dumb for you to believe everything people say.'

It was all dumb to me, and some alters were in the thick of it, aware of crucial dynamics withheld so far and now dangled under my nose. This was another ploy which could take hours to unravel. Dumb for listening, dumb for checking, dumb for trusting anyone at all, dumb for trying to help. Dumb for thinking Kelly was naive. That she wanted to help others caught in the same maelstrom. Time would tell.

It didn't take long. I checked emails but all seemed quiet. Kelly had been distracted and was probably switching alters or busy with family. At the usual night-time hour emails arrived from her: 'There's someone in my driveway staring in. There's knocking at the door. There's never knocking at my door. Help, I'm scared.' Kelly had clearly had a brainwipe so as to have no idea of the risks. I was too late to help evade them this time.

Some people denigrate brainwashing, saying you can't wash a brain so anything anybody says about it is nonsense. As the robot alter would say 'Hahaha'. Let's hope they never have a brainwash or a brainwipe themselves. They wouldn't remember it, any more than Kelly and others like her could. How would people react to someone parked on their own driveway, inducing a fear that they cannot fathom? Someone had recently put considerable hours of work in on Kelly to render her tabula rasa with no means of defending herself. It was probably coming from the same source as the false information that I would be away on vacation and thus unavailable.

When Kelly did recall things she was a problem to those who threatened her, including her therapist who considered she had a handle on everything. Many things she did, but not all. The questions uppermost in my mind were: How could anyone afford to spend 8 hours during one week plus more over the weekend, conditioning Kelly and Daisy, and why? If they were too much trouble, why allow the continued risk they would act up or spill the beans? Could they be providing something the cult desperately needed, and that sometimes they were treated more as part of the in-crowd? Some alters knew more than they generally let on.

Was Kelly a front person, kept genuinely innocent for some reason? Sometimes she quickly grasped what was happening, but recently nothing was sticking long enough to act on. It concerned me that she might be taken away and punished by the cult. They could implant other personae or alters better suited to their requirements - and less trouble for them.

I knew the circumstances in which Kelly came on the scene to help out the host-person Caitlin, and to my way of thinking both had rights. What relevance did my way of thinking have to do with it!

A Dangle to Ponder

Daisy was in a state with something important to tell me. Several times Daisy had asked Trixie to promise something or to do something. On this occasion Trixie made things awkward for Daisy, who was scared that Kelly would get into trouble with her partner whom I call Phil. I did not find out how anyone in Kelly's small DID system could already know that something had gone wrong. I also considered it something-and-nothing, although it could be on the edge of something significant. (It turned out to be part of the game of Snatch, where Trixie would snatch things away, or refused to return items to Kelly or Daisy, see A Singular Mean-ing and more specifically How Some of it is Achieved.)

Phil was not a live-in partner and was mostly absent at weekends when Kelly was now at most risk. It obviously suited the cult and I had wondered about it, but Phil had reasons for being away. It was Phil who paid for Kelly's therapy as well as some household bills. Remember that saying about the person who pays the piper calling the tune?

Phil had been to see Trixie, and I commented to the person translating for Daisy: 'Phil will soon see that there's something seriously wrong with Trixie's boundaries. And what does Phil think about all those extra hours Kelly has in therapy?'

'Phil is in on all of it' came the reply, and nothing more was forthcoming. Another dangle for me to ponder.

Phil could be bossy and Daisy was never easy about it. Kelly opened up occasionally, but for the most part I tried to steer clear. Kelly went into the situation with her eyes open - so I thought. Now questions arose whether she had literally been set up, or if Phil was set up to support the therapy, with instructions to take Kelly to visit triggering places or people. I had been viewing things through eyes unaccustomed to the cult's ways, means and connections.

Phil had a history of befriending lone parents with young children. I do not believe there was an interest in the children sexually on Phil's part, but there was more of a caretaker role undertaken on behalf of the cult for their own reasons. One of Kelly's children could be of interest to the cult, through having some of Kelly's traits that were valued. I have no idea about the adults or children in other families that Phil befriended and paid towards.

This caretaker role could theoretically be undertaken by a male or female. Another feature of Kelly's life had been threats that her children would be taken away unless she consented to something. This was a general threat made to some mothers to get them to comply. Sometimes Kelly's children were taken away and later returned, this not always being carried out through official channels. Things like this seemed to go on in the area, with some people being aware though taking no action over them. Perhaps we should name it Conspiracy City or would that be taking things a deal side too far?

I could not see how or why Phil and Trixie could be colluding over Kelly's therapy of dubious nature. People say that collusion is an unconscious process. There was nothing unconscious about this, if it were as overt as the dangle implied. Kelly suggested a reason for Phil spending a lot of money on the therapy for her, which could have been a convenient cover story. I did not know the reality, and Kelly would not be aware. I'd had hopes of Phil sorting out some of the mess. Several times it crossed my mind that something was wrong, but the collusion scenario in particular had seemed too unlikely. I am not saying there is a definite connection here.

Some people might be cult-connected while not necessarily getting involved in cult rituals or meetings. Some aspects could be like a club: You'd probably know who is in the club, or there is a form of dress or behaviour so you can tell or guess. Other people would be clueless unless they had a reason to suspect. If you were not a Somebody or cult member with rank, or were not cult-connected, you were a Nobody like a cog in a machine or a commodity. Or you would be any ordinary member of the public - I'll opt to be one of those then ...

The point is:

Some people do not have an option. However they had got into the mess that took them towards the cult, there was not a 'However you can get out again' clause. Some do. It is not easy and it may take more than one determined effort or some help. The first step is to recognise the situation.

The question is:

How can someone like Kelly who is surrounded by strong people (apparently in cahoots with one another through whatever drove them cult-wards) explain it to others and get free? Kelly was told that, by insisting there was a local cult it showed she was psychotic. If she did not retract, she would not be allowed home from hospital.

It may help you to know:

It may help you to work out if anything along these lines is wrong in your own life, or that of someone you know. I believe the principles outlined in 'A Singular Yarn' may apply to some other single-parent families in Kelly's situation and/or location. It is in this spirit that the material is presented. There can be other reasons why people get involved in things that they cannot easily get out of, which would be a story for another day!

Utopia or Untopia, Cults & Communities

A Drift too Far

These are my notes after finishing 'the Book' about Kelly. It may not reach you or convince you of anything but it helps me see the Wood for the Trees, and may sharpen the focus on some dappled area. There are things I still prefer not to write as they are too personal for some of the players though belonging here with the main thread. I have not looked back over earlier writings, and this stands or falls as it does.

Readers with no interest in psychism or the occult may discredit this, but in her home Kelly had items given her which affected her deeply. When she plucked up courage and put them in a shed, they lost their impact. Humans are strange creatures who can become sensitised to things, or others can do it as means to control them. There was an issue over rings with a red stone that cult members wore to events. We'll leave the occult aspect there, but what was the circle of dead crows left in Kelly's backyard meant to achieve?

Kelly sought counselling from Trixie who claimed to be trustworthy with strong boundaries, but it was like speaking with forked tongue. She played a game of snatch-away that she always won. Trixie claimed to be helping Kelly to reduce cultic triggers while denying that cults exist. I grew concerned when Kelly's hour appointments became 8-hour absences from home. I recalled hearing how Trixie conditioned Kelly to race out of the house on cue. That seemed to be how the cult got people to leave their homes, or they blew smoke through the letterbox so they might think there was a fire. Despite her new-agey mush about loving oneself, parts of Trixie seemed to have cult allegiance. Trixie's predecessor Marta, Kelly had said, was the cult. There were two main aspects to this. One was ritualistic activity close to a full moon or main festival date, and involving all the trappings. The other was when Marta brought men to Kelly to rape her. Sometimes Kelly remembered parts, like the day she came to consciousness battered and bruised, lying in the snow with her hands bound. Then, either mercifully or by design, she forgot.

Coincident with Kelly's avoidance of therapy appointments, was harassment involving a truck and loud noise at Kelly's home. She did not seem the same after that and it was like the after-effects of ECT. Either that or gangstalking. She used to remember minute details about me over the years, but now very little. I am not saying I want you to believe, but to wonder if it happened, why, how many were involved as victims, and how many as organisers. Different countries and peoples have different ways, and one cannot apply standards or values across the board without looking at those. But what are we looking at here? If they want Kelly dead, go for it, then she can't cause more problems for them. If too many of their victims get killed or just give up on life, someone might ask questions. Anyway, who would service the sadistic clients then?

Kelly was scared of men now, although had a reasonable life with her ex-husband for some years. He was not of the cult but his major bills were paid, I believe for informing on Kelly's nights looking after the children, as opposed to cult or rape nights when she would be alone and accessible. How many places is this sort of thing happening, in so-called civilised societies with a sophisticated legal system, aided and abetted by so-called caring professionals? I tried all through with Kelly to look at possibilities and for what I may have missed. Latterly I was seeing how plausible and manipulative she could be, even though she was less mentally acute. It seemed easier for her function as a virtual recluse. How did Kelly and others like her survive such a lifestyle? Did she choose some of it? Who did? What is it? Why is it? Why is its abusive nature not recognised or stopped? Does someone stop the stopping? Should someone stop that!

I won't get into the satanic ritual abuse reasoning of some therapists. Yes, I believe it happens. Yes, I thought satanism and a relevant belief system were involved here, along with shooting of porn films, prostitution, blackmail, drug dealing, or organised crime one way or another. Yes, it happens elsewhere. Let's try to see things for what they are, not what they're not. See when they really are something, not when they aren't. If we make mistakes in our perception or reasoning, look at those too because they can be important or add perspective. Too often researchers discount something on a spurious argument, precluding greater understanding.

Key Issues

I don't want to turn this into a theological debate either - what difference does any of that make here? The point at issue is to see if others can see what I do, hear what I hear, and work on what can be done. There must be people, it doesn't need many, who know how some of this works. We put it together properly and make a sum of the parts. If anyone recognises something of this in their own therapy or life, or of someone they know, start wondering and get ready to bail. Save sanity, save life, save integrity. SOS means save our souls!

Another dichotomy is over the possibility, or not, of recovered memory. To what extent may some people dissociate naturally, or is it generally through severe trauma? Only through severe trauma? Does trauma cause differences in people's brains, or was there perhaps a prior condition or a sensitivity interacting with something we can't explain? If something applies to some people, can and should it be applied to all? If something is relevant to most people, i.e. over half, does it always apply to you, to me, to x-y-z? Clearly not. Would severe trauma probably involve abuse or satanism? How much should we assume?

How much can happen through bad therapy alone, or via the influence of people whom we believe or raise on a pedestal? We have to get over a one-size-fits-all (or-none) theorising. Some people can come to believe a scenario fits them wholesale, or believe they are victims of more than they need to, blaming close family as the most likely cause. I don't expect people who have been abused to think 'I was wrong to think those things happened'. They know they did. The other side of the coin is too much denial about abuse, as though being able to discount one case necessarily disproves the lot, everywhere, for ever.

When some people are prescribed drugs for one situation, how may that affect their ability to see the Wood for the Trees, or to distinguish what really happened from the effects of medication? How often are all of us playing a role to suit a specific situation, as social psychologists explain how we accomplish with ease? Do we see what we believe, or believe what we see? Do we remember accurately even what we did see?

We can all get hoodwinked. We all know when we go to a magic show that there will be misdirection and trickery

Hicktown Untopia

Kelly claimed there were other local women in a similar situation to hers, conditioned to feel worthless or helpless, forced to comply with needs of a larger or powerful group, mediated by certain therapists. When things got too much for some of the women, they committed suicide in isolated places. Kelly and I wanted to help women like this in Hicktown or anywhere with its problems. Some places were ideal for cult gatherings and the high drama which seemed to be a part of it all, as the moon rose over the well-stocked Woods, an earthwork, a warehouse, a cave, an isolated church, or somewhere underground. Someone's idea of Utopia perhaps, though not for those low down the pecking order, or in demand for sexual services. A few dames ran with the men, arranging for people like Kelly to be virtual whores with little awareness plus the no-rights aspect. How does the song go? 'It's the same the whole world over, it's the poor that gets the blame ...'

The Hicktown set-up accommodated those who had and who took, from those who had not; who brutalised those who could not fight or do anything back. The demoralisation and fear were necessary for this. Hence the confusional conditioning process, and the difficulty of trying to straighten any of it out, exacerbated by the double-bluff of Now you see it, Now we deny it. We can all make mistakes or do deceiptful things. Sadly, what was happening here was basically an extension of 'normal people's normal behaviour'.

Untopia, Hell-on-Earth

For some years I researched cults of the more usual kind, and learned what I could about groups in general. They can seem to have extra-normal qualities. I wondered if cults were basically to fulfill some person/s idea of utopia, a better way of living, closer to some ideal, more of an intentional community than a cult. As with anything, one person's group or belief can be a virtual poison or hell for others. My shelves groan with books on beliefs, or different ways of thinking, living and being. Particularly useful were philosophy books pertaining to 'the Self' or alternate/successive selves, how emotions can affect one's beliefs, and how we behave situationally or temporarily. I sat through hours of varied lectures, some relevant, some not really, some weird, one unpleasant. Sometimes I made a fool of myself with my mind raring to race round a different track without insider knowledge. I am grateful to those who bore with my efforts and idiosyncrasies, and to those who helped with websites.

There comes a time when it seems better to examine what lies ahead rather than search far corners of the globe. Coming across Kelly seemed meant to happen, but I would not allow the idea to keep my nose to the same grindstone she faced, it seemed eternally. I thought she had something to do with some of it, but mainly that others were coercing her and not letting her fly free. If we don't look at the phenomenon, whatever it is, we may not change things.

My somewhat sceptical view became that Kelly was used to use me, to test which way the wind was blowing in the outside world, and waste my time as it gave them a feeling of power. The only problem I have with that is, as far as I know, Marta did not know the extent of Kelly's disclosures to me for the first 2 years. Trixie never did know. Perhaps parts of Kelly belonged to the cult and these things were happening via those and how they were conditioned. In some cultures too, people are deemed to belong to their family with a stronger meaning or emphasis than elsewhere. Perhaps her heightened emotions were not some personal quirk, but a method whereby her suffering could be 'harvested' with others.

Some therapists work with cult-loyal alters as the most appropriate way to help the person to 'get away'. I have known other people who took extreme measures, hiding themselves away so the cult could not access them. Getting away is possible but hard, and may take more than one attempt. Knowing some of the dynamics, and also that it is possible, can make all the difference. With Kelly's system, communicating with such alters was a road to nowhere. I did what I usually do, i.e. strengthen the functioning aspects. Meanwhile someone else was working at a hypnotic level, putting in even more time and effort strengthening cult-loyals, messing up the rest, and playing them off against each other. The result was like an atrociously functioning committee. When one of those goes West it takes an earthquake to change things.

Whoever is behind all of this is likely to be playing a double-game, a double-blind, a double-bluff. So?

We need to look deeper at why this has become such a controversy, seemingly getting nowhere

Why we often seem to be missing the point

Small wonder that we do - It is how it was intended to be

If you can confuse someone over whether they got raped, what else might you manage to persuade them of?

Kelly was good at making connections between things, unless she received instructions not to, which pretty well cooked the books for her

Nolly the interpreter wrote that, if I found it confusing, I should think how it was for them: I tried to

If Hicktown can be thought of as a microcosm, is what happens there a kind of test, to see how much is noticed, what they get away with, gradually eroding anyone's ability to do anything? It's like saying 'Here are human rights, but you can't have this one, or that, or ... or ... until the human-plus-rights concept implodes. It resonates with parents haranging a small child that if they don't behave they won't get a toy. So the child cries, and the threat becomes 'If you cry you won't get a toy'. So the child screams. Logical behaviour for the child, though I cannot speak for the parents. It can make for greater dependency on the parents, perhaps that's it.

If you can confuse everyone over whether cults exist or can have power, or particularly what some satanic or other belief systems might involve, the World is then your oyster. Many years ago, like other people, I thought awareness of mental health issues would mean a more understanding society, including in the workplace. Some organisations are working hard for this now.

It is but a few steps from a small double-bind, to the greatly larger ones wherein we can all get hoodwinked. We all know when we go to a magic show that there will be misdirection and trickery. Watch out for it in your own life, please.

Cui bono? Who benefits?

We are back looking at theories of social control, see A Singular Mean-ing

In the next post, Zonk Effects, are some notes on cults more generally and how they can include crimes - not just moral ones. Many people both inside and outside cults are badly damaged and criminally so. People tend not to understand linked effects unless they or someone close has been affected. Understanding dynamics does not generally extend to the Kelly's of this world and to that type of cult, but to my mind they are part of a similar package. I am ashamed at easily getting mad at Kelly, when she tried her best to survive and make sense of a seriously screwed pack of cards.

IF YOU want to explore in this field, we hope this gives you a few areas of enquiry. Please take care, whether in this field or any other. Enquiring may be 'not worth the candle' either!

Note from the authors of this site -

We will neither confirm nor deny any speculation or comments regarding the whereabouts of this Hicktown, or possible identities of anyone thought to be involved in activities mentioned in these pages. What is Here is What You Get.

To Help Others

If you would like to do something to help others, because of what you have read in these pages, Kelly's wish was that any monies should go to charities or organisations helping children generally, or people who have been abused. Thank you.

Quotation from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 'The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax'

'I refuse to be rewarded for fostering a tragedy'

IF YOU want to explore in this field, we hope this gives you a few areas of enquiry. Please take care, whether in this field or any other. Enquiring may be 'not worth the candle' either!

Zonk Effects of Abuse: Post-Cult Trauma, Unsuitable Medication, Un-therapeutic/Bad Therapy

Abusive Experiences

In the 'old days' people who were abused in childhood, or in any other setting, were limited in what information they had access to, and whether understanding or help was available. More recently it is as though we have all been bombarded with both information and forms of help. Some of those forms of help, however well-intentioned, may in themselves lead to further problems for some individuals.

You are free to make of these pages what you will, and to ignore all or any of them. But I hope you read this page!

Abusive experience can range through cruelty, sexual abuse, lies and deceit, in fact any inhuman act that anyone does to other humans or to animals. A person's intention may not always be to affect others so badly. Some of us are more vulnerable than others, and new episodes will affect people differently.

No-one has determined once-and-for-all and for everyone, whether Freud got things right for some, and whether Jung improved things or helped create unusual or unnecessary episodes for others. Or vice versa - take your pick. What suits one person or makes sense to one group, generation or culture, is unlikely to suit all. What does not suit an individual can have devastating consequences for him or her. This page is written after the events outlined in 'the Book' because it may help others facing the aftermath of something inexplicable or unbearable.

Post-Cult Trauma

There are a number of excellent books on how people can get drawn into cults or groups, or how a group can change over time to become more pervasive. Here are short extracts from Deadly Cults: The Crimes of True Believers by Robert L Snow, Praeger Publishers, 2003.

from Chapter 2 - The Danger of Cults

Psychologists and psychiatrists often find that, like the children, adult members of cults suffer not only physical and sexual abuse but also a number of psychological problems after spending time in a cult. These adult members often no longer have any friends other than cult members, and many of the thought-altering indoctrination techniques they underwent can negatively affect their ability to function in society after leaving the cult. Their time in the cult can lead to a condition known as post-cult trauma syndrome. Its symptoms include spontaneous crying, depression, feelings of isolation, panic attacks, disassociation, difficulty concentrating, and low self-esteem.

The chapter goes on to cite quite high percentages of people reporting specific difficulties they experience in managing their life and emotions.

from Chapter 7 - New Age Cults

The point to this chapter is not to debate the worth of the New Age movement or the validity of its concepts. The point is to show how cult leaders ... can use some of its concepts, twist them to fit a belief system that prospective members will accept, and then become the belief system's guru, consequently gaining total control over members ...

Cult leaders can reshape any spiritual belief system to make it fit their particular needs and then use the new belief system to attract and hold cult members. Although some belief systems expounded by cults may seem totally outlandish to most people, cult leaders can make the outlandish seem very believable and acceptable.

from Chapter 12 - The Appeal of Cults

Often when a person is at an emotional low, the appearance of a cult recruiter seems almost as if fate has destined the person to belong to the group ... Many times when a person has had emotional and business setbacks they seem no longer to have an identity; they seem to have no direction or purpose in life. A cult will promise to remedy that. As an article in the Detroit News States, Cults appeal to those who have no identity: 'I used to be no one, but now I'm part of a group. I didn't have any direction, but now I know the real truth!'

'There's nothing freaky at first,' said a woman who became involved in what she thought was simply an ordinary religious group. 'You can't know what's in store for you.'

from Chapter 15 - Combating Cults

Children can be very vulnerable to cult recruiters. To decrease a child's chances of cult recruitment, parents should teach their children not to be too trusting. This is valuable not just for protection from cults but also from many other types of crime such as drugs and sexual abuse. Children must also learn to ask questions of people and insist on answers, not evasive responses.

No matter how a person leaves a cult - by walking away, by being thrown out, or through a family intervention, former cult members often can't just simply return to society after cult life and begin functioning normally again. Keep in mind that even after successful exit counselling, the former cult member still has a lot of issues to deal with.

The safety of a person who has walked away from a cult can depend on a number of factors:
1. How important was the person to the cult?
2. Does the person possess information that could be damaging to the cult?
3. Does the cult have a history of violent behaviour?

See also Stopping a Stalker by Robert L. Snow

Here is a link to a website offering some relevant information:

Post-cult Trauma : When an individual leaves a cult, they may struggle through a time of strong and sometimes confused emotions. While they may be relieved to be free of the group, a former member may also grieve over the loss of the cult's advantages (e.g., kinship, sense of belonging, higher self-esteem). The emotional instability associated with this period is a part of post-cult trauma syndrome.

Unsuitable Medication

Robert Whitaker, an investigative journalist, writes about the effects on a large number of people taking medication sanctioned by mental health professionals. It seems that, even by starting on a course of medication, a pattern of imbalance can begin where it becomes harder to manage with or without the drug. Here is a post currently appearing on Facebook:

"The literature is remarkably consistent in the story it tells. Although psychiatric medications may be effective over the short term, they increase the likelihood that a person will become chronically ill over the long term. I was startled to see this picture emerge over and over again as I traced the long-term outcomes literature for schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, and bipolar illness. In addition, the scientific literature shows that many patients treated for a milder problem will worsen in response to a drug-- say have a manic episode after taking an antidepressant -- and that can lead to a new and more severe diagnosis like bipolar disorder. That is a well-documented iatrogenic [physician caused illness] pathway that is helping to fuel the increase in the disability numbers. Now there may be various cultural factors contributing to the increase in the number of disabled mentally ill in our society. But the outcomes literature -- and this really is a tragic story -- clearly shows that our drug-based paradigm of care is a primary cause."~Robt Whitaker

Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America by Robert Whitaker
Anatomy of an Epidemic challenges readers to think through that question themselves. First, Whitaker investigates what is known today about the biological causes of mental disorders. Do psychiatric medications fix “chemical imbalances” in the brain, or do they, in fact, create them?

Psychotropic Drugs and Children
Robert Whitaker, author of Anatomy of an Epidemic, discusses the disturbing effects of psychotropic drugs prescribed for children. Such medications, used for ADHD, depression, and anxiety, for example, have become commonplace over the past 30 years. This practice profoundly alters the lives of the children, and so now we, as a society, urgently need to address this question: do the medications help the children thrive and grow up into healthy adults? Or does this practice do more harm than good over the long term. Robert Whitaker emphasizes two things: first, the need for an objective, evidence-based approach to evaluating these drugs; and second, the need for better public understanding of how these medications work. Click here to listen.


There will always be controversies over who is right or wrong, and what is most important.
A large factor is that not every person or situation is the same. Different people have different experiences, perceptions needs. Below are links to some sites about individuals and groups of people, particularly involved in families and justice. They are written by people who are sincere, about people who are also sincere. Follow up on what turns up. YOU decide!


Dupe, Denial, Detriment

During preparation of this Book, I became interested in the effects of some drugs and psychotherapies on memory and perception, while trying to fathom how much Kelly could have been duped to believe what seemed to be happening around her, and to what extent other women (in particular) might come to believe they were more dissociative than they were, or that they suffered more abuse than they may have done. I will concentrate on Kelly. Rather than deducing she was deluded, I felt she was being made to discredit much that probably was real. You are naturally free to ignore that. Some people do find that certain medication makes it hard for them to sort out what is actually happening, or that happened in the past, from fantasies or dream experiences. In Kelly's situation, she had also had one therapist who was involved in the local cult, and it seemed that her successor was confusing Kelly for her own reasons. This situation is not, I think, common.

Kelly had over the years been prescribed various medications and some seemed helpful. She was then taken off them and put on a heavy dosage of one that causes health concerns as well as having emotional spin-off. The point at issue is that this person, and apparently many others, seem to suffer significantly from effects of medication prescribed for mental health or simply emotions, so that their problems become exacerbated in the longer term. I am not, like some people, decrying all medication, but feel we need to know more. The same applies to psychotherapeutic theories, and possible detrimental outcomes for some people.

Un-therapeutic/ Bad Therapy

I heard from many people about the effects of abuse on their lives. Not only that, I heard about what sounded like abusive psychotherapy, or something producing that general effect. Either the therapy or the practitioner were not suited to the individual, or it just went wrong. Although others may not agree with this, I started to feel that the effects of the two types of abusive experience were not dissimilar, like a feeling of being mentally taken-apart. One could perhaps say 'A trauma is a trauma is a trauma' with similarities that afflict some war veterans. What if some therapies deliberately or inavertently do the same, i.e. take people apart or shatter them?

People can certainly feel taken-apart by a bad personal relationship, or simply by being subjected to the culture of a work-place environment. Personal relationships and work-places too, often provide great solace and support to people. Or they can do the opposite, primarily through forms of bullying or more subtle undermining. I've also heard it referrred to as 'putting down the poison'. Feeling one has revealed too much private information, or is under pressure of some kind, can have a detrimental effect not unlike shock or sunburn.

After-effects of any bad experience can take a great deal of time for recovery. They include:

     misguided attempts to help with medication

     some forms of psychotherapy or a type of therapist

     boundaries becoming eroded or overwhelmed -
     such as by a strong person, a group or a cult, or a belief system

     covert or covert bullying or undermining

     inconsistency - when the rules of the game, or even the game - keep changing

The important thing to bear in mind is that we can all be vulnerable in our own ways. Kelly could have been more likely than some people to over-react, or not to understand if some things were serious or minor. That does not mean she was not also coping with a lot. She asked me why her thinking was backwards, and for any reasons for her not improving despite all the 'help'.

The more I looked into major aspects of Kelly's life, the more I wondered how she came through. Her functioning diminished through her medication, or as she became unable to face new or past events. On top, other people induced her to disbelieve in herself. 'Tell me honestly what happened' she asked me, and my attempts to give gentle minimal background ended in panic at her end, though I made no mention of the cult we discussed in the past. She was discouraged from making mental connections, or mixing with people, or resuming her studies, perhaps so the powers-that-be could cover their tracks. Sometimes she did see or remember or try something, and it was gone just as quickly. Unless she could be kept away from subversive elements, I did not see that she had much chance. Even if by some miracle that could happen, recovery would take a long time.

If you are trying to cope with after-effects of a trauma or significant experience in your own life, or you are helping someone else, try to give yourself, or them, time to acclimatise to the new circumstances in which all of the things are not happening at-once or even consecutively. Take one thing at a time, one day at a time. Try not to knock yourself or them down, for not being able to remember, or to realise, or to do something, any better or any faster than you or they are able to.

I have hopes that, the more honest people are with themselves, the more it will be possible to avoid unnecessary suffering of the types outlined here. However, I end with a word of caution about rushing towards 'remedies' or theories as a quick-fix answer. It would be better to take things slowly with a few people whom you know and trust, and to follow up any leads carefully, rather than to jump into another scenario or quagmire.


To Regress, or Definitely Not To!

People should be free to believe or practice what they feel is right for them. Some people are happy in their chosen group or ways, and do not want to be 'rescued'. Problems can arise if one's beliefs or actions encroach on other people. If a therapist has a belief system and it affects what happens in therapy, it is a specific type of concern. Check out 'Crazy Therapies: What are they? Do they work?' by Margaret Thaler Singer and Janja Lalich. Some of the approaches may seem ok or fine for you. The chapter 'Therapeutic Seductions' details sexual relationships between a therapist and client. The client would be told it is a special relationship, i.e. it does not happen to many people. Think again, it does, and none of it would be fine.

The following summary is from Wikipedia:
'The book discusses a list of severe warning signs that psychotherapy patients should avoid, regardless of the psychotherapist's credentials or reputation. The book discusses these in detail and quantifies them into ten classic behaviour patterns. These include potential sexual abuse; asking the patient to perform menial chores; discussing the psychotherapist's problems in detail; asking the patient to cut off relations with friends and family; diagnosing the patient's condition before thoroughly discussing the issue; claiming the patient must be hypnotized in order to sort through past memories; treating patients as if they all have the same psychological root cause of illness; claiming to have a magical miracle technique; utilizing a checklist to find out if the patient suffers from an illness that the psychotherapist specializes in; and finally, demanding that the patient accept certain religious, metaphysical or pseudoscientific beliefs in order to continue psychotherapy.'

In 'Bounded Choice: True believers and charismatic cults' Janja Lalich describes how, as a cult leader takes over major decisions, it can leave members in a child-like regressive state without critical faculties. Readers of 'A Singular Yarn' may think therapist Trixie caused regression and dependence in Kelly and young alter Daisy. I grew concerned as Kelly rushed there in panic, or wanting to show Trixie things. Trixie's strong boundaries were a myth. Neither did she have goodwill or integrity - both needed for clients to improve.

A trend in counselling and psychotherapy from my training days was to experiment with different ways of seeing or experiencing, but when it came to Psychodrama I raised objections and was told it was a must. 'I'll be there' I said 'but will not do that'. I did a little, getting screamed at by someone with a beef at his partner, making the walls shake. Another trainee had declined to take his venom, so I got stuck, instructed to stay in role the more he yelled. On top, other people announce what 'you' think or feel about what the yeller yells. Ummm, not really thanks. Don't get drawn into what does not feel right for you, because you do not have to comply. Some people really seem to benefit from role-plays, bashing cushions, sitting in different chairs to express different viewpoints. Some hate it and tell horror stories about the effects.

Problems can arise with guided imagery, where people slip into a hypnotic-type state where boundaries blur. Some hypnotherapists encourage a regressive state where critical thinking or expression are nigh impossible. As part of later training I was required to undergo hypnotherapy. Sent back to age 5 'with tiny hands and tiny feet', I was pretty malleable though not as much as the trainer thought. She steered me away from good memories, and used strategies to knock out conscious thinking. She was competent and kindly, though steeped in a belief of unrecognised abuse in everyone. I went to sessions clutching a leather bag round my waist, and did not listen to her tapes outside. Rather, I read books she thought were ace, because I thought she was winging it. One day, primed on what she might try, I said 'I don't do that' and left. She was inserting extra bits into a training and therapeutic procedure that was presented as a straight clean deal. It helped me to see how people can be caught up or deliberately manipulated, and how one thing can so easily lead to another.

When Sarah, a pretty girl in her twenties, approached me saying 'Can you advise me on controlling my mind?' I asked if she meant controlling her own mind or someone else controlling her. 'Someone else' she replied. A colleague nearby told her 'That person has built a bridge across to you. You need to stop that.' Sarah later revealed that a man close to her had made a blood pact within satanism. He moved things around in her home, and did other things to confuse her and make her seem incompetent. When she realised he could see into one of her rooms she blocked the window. Think what you will, but she felt it made a big difference. Later she found beta-blockers helped with her being so sensitive. I knew more about her ex-friend, his cohorts and the occult scene around, which do not make for light reading, and I didn't think Sarah imagined it all. People can affect each other psychically, wittingly or unwittingly, and measures can be taken to protect oneself, see links below. You should be free to think what you want, and to follow your own path.

From 'Crazy Therapies':

Think twice before going backwards

Experts have their own opinions and ways. Choose what suits you, or try to find out for yourself what may. Be prepared to call a halt to something without feeling you gave up or failed. If there is one thing to take from this piece, it is this:

It isn't necessarily you at fault for getting drawn in, or for not being able to do something.

Don't think about being at fault. Sometimes things happen or are just there. We all make mistakes.

The best anyone can do at the time is literally that - the best that is humanly possible - for them.

Well done. You just passed!

Quotation from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 'The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax'

'I refuse to be rewarded for fostering a tragedy'


All text and links are provided on this Website on the understanding that people may make use of any of it, or disregard it entirely. Caveat lector.

Because there really are

More Questions than Answers

Lucela's List

'Who's Who of the Brain' by Kenneth Nunn, Tanya Hanstock, Bryan Lask

'Dreaming Reality' by Joe Griffin, Ivan Tyrrell

'Don't Take it Personally - The Art of Dealing with Rejection' by Elayne Savage

'Ostracism - The Power of Silence' by Kipling D. Williams

'Stigma - Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity' by Erving Goffman

'Somebodies & Nobodies' by Robert W. Fuller

'Beyond Human Nature - How Culture & Experience Shape our Lives' by Jesse Prinz

'Mad Travelers - Reflections on the Reality of Transient Mental Illnesses' by Ian Hacking

'Disrupted Lives - How People Create Meaning in a Chaotic World' by Gay Becker

'Harry Stack Sullivan - Interpersonal Theory & Psychotherapy' by F. Barton Evans III

'The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry' by Harry Stack Sullivan

''Real Events Revisited - Fantasy, Memory & Psychoanalysis' by Ann Scott

'Miscarriage of Memory - Historic Abuse Cases' ed. William Burgoyne, Norman Brand

'Suggestions of Abuse' by Michael D. Yapko

'Searching for Memory - The Brain, the Mind & the Past' by Daniel L. Schacter

'Power in the Helping Professsions' by Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig

'Games Analysts Play' by Martin Shepherd, Marjorie Lee

'Shouldn't I be Feeling Better by Now? - Client Views of Therapy' ed. Yvonne Bates

'Broken Boundaries - Stories of Betrayal in Relationships of Care' by Sarah Richardson, Melanie Cunningham et al.

'Power, Resistance, Knowledge' by Andrew Green

''Feet of Clay - A Study of Gurus' by Anthony Storr

'Prophets, Cults & Madness' by Anthony Stevens, John Price

'Deadly Cults: The Crimes of True Believers' by Robert L. Snow

'Conned - Scams, Frauds & Swindles' by James Morton, Hilary Bateson

'More Scams from the Great Beyond' by Peter Huston

'Multiple Man' by Adam Crabtree

'Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century' by Edward F. Kelly, Emily Williams Kelly, Adam Crabtree, Alan Gauld, Michael Grosso: Topics addressed include phenomena of extreme psychophysical influence, memory, psychological automatisms and secondary personality, near-death experiences and allied phenomena, genius-level creativity, and 'mystical' states of consciousness both spontaneous and drug-induced.

'The Origins of Psychic Phenomena' by Stan Gooch

'Beyond Coincidence' by Martin Plimmer, Brian King

'The Power of Coincidence' by Frank Joseph

'Entangled Minds' by Dean Radin

'Lucifer Rising' by Gavin Baddeley

'Gods of the Blood' by Mattias Gardell

'Sinister Forces' by Peter Levenda

'The Dark Gods' by Anthony Roberts, Geoff Gilbertson

'The Gods Who Walk Among Us' by Thomas R. Horn, Donald C. Jones

'Alien Identities' by Richard L. Thompson

'The Abduction Enigma' by Kevin D. Randle, Russ Bates, William P.Cone

'FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the AFTERLIFE' by Nick Redfern